Saturday, November 23, 2013

Importance of technology in education

     Technology is very important in education especially we are now facing in the modern and upgraded world. People can use technology in different way: in a good or in a bad way ,and its up to them how they are going to manipulate and use technology. but one thing is for sure technology nowadays is very helpful and useful tool that help many people like in making business and managing business,teaching and also for students learning.It is important that technology should be teach in all schools so that they  will know and aware on how to use in a proper way. for the teachers it help them to lessen the work and hassle free. when it comes to teaching,it is more easy to explain the topic with the use of technology like PowerPoint aside from easy to prepare and its is more lively in presentation students will be more active in participating the class. for the students we are now facing in the competitive world.of technology. students must learn now how to use technology this is a one way of improving students learning skill and can be more competitive in terms of education.

If our country want to have a progressive country, people should be aware in different technologies that's why it is important to have a policy that every school should have technology so that they will teach them on how to operate and manage computer,or the educators have to impart knowledge about new  technology and let them involve not just looking by the book at least they are aware what happening in our world and we can compete to others progressive country.