Friday, January 24, 2014

Episode 2 Bulletin Board Displays

Bulletin Board Displays

My tools
Topic of the Board display: PCC ENGLISH CLUB
Location of the Board Display in School: ENGLISH DEPARTMENT
      Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings.
4-outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory
2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Effective Communication
Conveys the message quickly and clearly


The words they used is not 
really clear to the readers.
Colors and arrangement catch and hold interest.


The design they used is not really 
attractive to catch the interest of students.
Objects are arranged so stability is perceived


They posted the information and 
their activity balance and equal.
Repeated shapes or colors or use of borders holds display together.


The used the same size of the words
The style and approach entice learners to be Involved.


They let other students be aware 
of the activity of the school and 
even in every department.
Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance.

The information they posted are not clearly seen. 
They used small letters.
Free from grammar errors, misspelled word and ambiguity.


No grammar errors and misspelled 
words found on the board.
Well- constructed, items are securely attached.


The board is secured with the 
glass and place it in proper.

An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Nikkie Jane Balibay
Location: PCC English department

Brief Description of the Bulletin Board:
PCC English club board posted the English club officers, News update, 
trivia of the day and 
picture taking for documentation


Description of 
the bulletin 
Board lay- out

PCC English Club 
you can see 
the name of their 
officers, the activity of 
the club and the upcoming 
Activity for the 

It has Limited space 
for announcement and the 
letters they used is too 
small and they don’t 
have attractive 
design to catch 
the interest of the 

Evaluation of 
content and 
other aspects:

All the activity is posted on 
bulletin board 
and they have a trivia to freshen 
the mind 
of other students not only for 
English students 
but also for all students in the school.

They put limited picture 
because they have 
only limited space. 
It is not really attractive 
to other students. 
or Suggestions 
for improvement

Divide the space properly and use medium font of letters 
to be easily seen and attractive color to enhance more 
and delivered more the message/content of board clearly.
My Analysis 

1. Did the board display design reflect the likes/interests of its target audience?Why?Why not? 
-Yes,as what I've observed to their board display, they have different board design,some of them are good looking, attractive,and simple that 
student can relate to the topics.

2. Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? 
Why? Why not?
-Yes,as I saw the board display of pcc school, there some board display has a clear 
and simple that students can understand and relate the message and there are 
also other boards that they used small letters,light color and over design that 
you cant almost read the messages that they want to deliver to their students.

3. What do you think was the purpose of the board display? 
Was it effective? Why? Why not?
-Yes,I think there are so many purposes in making board display.
It can add beauty and set the social and psychological atmosphere of the school.
It can also give informational messages and encourage students to create 
and to have greater work when they see their work display. 

4. What suggestions can you make?
- When making a Board display it should be clean, well arrange,and attractive. 
just make your design simple and instructional.also minimize using small letters, 
light color in writing the words to emphasize the message/information 
that you want to deliver to the readers.. 

My proposed Board Display

Theme: Make fun and learn in music
Board Title: Music is fun
 To involve all the students in music and let them discover their different talents.
 lets make them feel that music is fun and also you can learn from it.

To involve all the students. 
To enhance more their talent and share it to everyone. 

Best features of my proposed bulletin enhancement:
-I will going to post all the activities for the month.the upcoming,the schedule, the pictures of students work and what other things they need to know more about music,so that everyone  will be aware of the activities.

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description):
  * different  Instruments picture-to give students an idea of what is the best 
     instrument they are going to use.
  *colored papers/cartolina- use to make letters and decoration of the board
  * printed materials-to give more attraction to the board
  * flannela-if there's a changes its easy to change or put another picture to give more and attract the students.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement:
-to protect the content and the decoration of the board, i will use glass to cover and also to maintain the beauty of the board.

My Portfolio 

                                           My Board Display Lay-out

My Reflections

1. Name at least 5 skill that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board displays.Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

  1.creative-as a teacher you have to be creative on what you are doing it is also important to considered the availability and the needs of your students.
  2.Attractive-when you make a board it should be attractive and in line with the interest of the that you will the catch their attentions. 
  3. motivational-It make sure that your board will give encouragement or motivation to the readers and they learned from it.
  4. Knowledge-you cannot perform/do this 1-3 if you don't have knowledge,before you make a board you have to think first what is best and fits to your readers.

2.Which of the skills you named in #1 do you already have? Recall your past experiences in making board displays. How do you practices these skill?

    - I think I have these creative,when I was in High School we always make a project in our own way.and I think I can perform it well even though its not really perfect but at least its my own idea and I made it with heartily.and until now i still used this skills. 

3. Which skill do you still need to develop?What concrete steps will you take on how you can improve on or acquire these skills.

 - I think, I still need to developed these 2 skills attractive, Improve these skill I will constantly practice in making board display or even other projects so that when I'm going to make another one i can perform all of these skills and it really looks good.