Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Episode 7 My E- world

My E- World (website)

My Tools
Please use the Class Observation Guide provided for you.

Class Observation Guide
Read the following statements carefully before you observe.

1. What is the lesson about? What are the teacher's objective?
-The lesson about deriving formula for the perimeter of regular polygon.
-identify the formula for the perimeter of regular polygon
-Draw and find the perimeter of the regular polygon.

2. Note the important concepts that the teacher is emphasizing.
-How to solve the formula for finding parameter of a regular polygon.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.
-Critical thinking skills of the students/analyzing

My Analysis

Using the information you got from observing the class, surf the internet for electronic resources that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Choose the most appropriate ones. Recall the guidelines you learned in educational technology about evaluating electronic resources. These guidelines will help you fill out the matrix below.

Name of the Site Author:
Name of Site:
Posting or Revision Date:
May 14,2010
Organization represented:
Date of Access:

Brief Description of the material in the website:
You can see to the video the simple way on how to derive the formula of regular polygon. Actually, you can search on it to the other source but I prefer to have a video so that students can really understand the topic and they can review if they can’t understand.
Evaluation of the website:
The use of internet is very useful especially now, everything you want to search can be seen and found into the internet and you can download it.

Maybe, not all can afford to access internet and they don’t have enough knowledge about technology or there are some students they don’t know how to operate.
Name of Evaluator:
Nikkie Jane c. Balibay

My Reflections
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for the class? Did you find it easy or difficult?
     -for me, I did it difficult because in the internet there are many options/site that you can use for your reference but there are not all reliable, you have to read all over the source you found to make sure that your reference is true and correct, you have to get the best and accurate information.
2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider? Explain.
     - For me I considered to choose which electronic I include by reading and understanding the content and look for the source if it reliable. If you’re looking for your topic to the internet you have to relate it and understand the content well.
 3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills you already have and what kills would you continue to work on to be better at utilizing electronic resources?

    -since i have educational technology and other computer subject, I have the knowledge about  basic on how to operate other technology which helps big for me especially when doing my project and research. Every time we use technology we always learn from it.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Episode 5 Paper works

Paper Works!(Preparing Hand-outs)

My Analysis
After working on your handout, answer the following question:
  • What are the good features of a handout?
The handouts must have clearly goals/objectives because these will be the guide 
for the teachers.The handout must be well organized,specific and clearly defined 
without these handouts plan your teaching process will not be effective.

  • Which of these features are present in the handout I made?
The features that are present in my handout is organized and specific. Organized
because it has clearly stated what would be the first topic or what lesson
will be teaching and it is specific because you will include in your
handouts those important and needed in your topic.

  • Which features are not present in the handout I made?
Having these features in the handouts is very important and it helps big to the teacher
to make their lesson easy and more effective for their students.

My Reflections
1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the handout?
How did you overcome them?
- The difficulty I encountered in making handouts was how to make a proper handouts,
how i will arrange it, how i use a bullet form because I just printed my power point presentation.
I did overcome it because before in my edtech 1 we also made a handouts and also with the
help of the internet. Making handouts its a big thing to help the teachers on preparing
what to discuss.

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of handouts?
-I think the teacher must know their objectives first and what the lesson/topic is
all about .they should know the flow and what they want to their students to learn
so that it easy for them to make a handouts and everything will be arrange accordingly.

My Portfolio
paste a copy of your hand out here.

Episode 4 Tools of the trade

Tools of the Trade (Teaching Aids Bank)

My Tools
As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to
document your observation.

Observation Notes
Name of the School Observed: Macabalan Elementary School
Location of the school: Macabalan Cagayan de Oro City

- As i observed the class the teacher used flash cards and cut outs in her
class.for me when I'm going to teach I also use that kind of materials when
I'm also teach the same subject because as what I saw to her class everyone are
actively participated in her class which means using other materials in the class
is important especially in lower level.

My Analysis
Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials
before making your own materials? Explain each.

1.To identify the budget that you need so that you can prepare for the
materials you need.
2. To make sure that the materials I need are available or which may be needed
to substitute with other materials.
3. To define the advantage and disadvantage of the target materials in advance.

My Reflections
1. Which of the materials did you like making the most? why?
-for me, the cut outs because it was fun and it needs various color, picture and
sometimes different shapes.just draw or print a picture you like then post it into
your board. it is fun and students really enjoy it specially in the lower grade.
2. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials?
How did you overcome them?
- The difficulty I had when cutting a different shapes it should made a proper shape
and sizes.It should also presentable and good looking to the students.
3.What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials?
- The teacher must know first what are the topics all about and what are the things
they need in making materials so that she can identify and budget all materials
she needs.

Episode 6 Slideshow Biz

Slideshow Biz

My Analysis
After working on you slide presentation, answer the
following question:
  • What are the good features of a slide presentation?
Easy to operate
Short and presentable
Include different picture to enhance the presentation
Include transitions or effects in your slide to put emphasis on your point
Include different color and font style
You can put the copy in any hard disk
  • Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made?
For me, i think my slide presentation have these feature
Easy to operate
short and presentable
Include different picture to enhance the presentation
Include transitions or effects in your slide
Include different colors and font style
you can put the copy in any hard disk
  • Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made?
I think there is none.all features that are present to a slide presentation can
also be seen to my slide.

My Reflections
  • What difficulties if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? how did you overcome them?
-since we already tackled slide presentation  last semester  in Edtech 1
i have the knowledge about how to make basic slide presentation but sometimes
I am confused to use other to enhance more my slide but because
we have now internet sometimes i use to scan and search on it.

My Portfolio(click here to see my slide)